Child Labour Policy & Young Worker Statement
Child Labour Policy & Young Person Statement
CCH Recruitment acknowledges the fact that child labour occurs in many countries. However, CCH Recruitment does not accept child labour. We only engage with workers who are aged 17 and above.
CCH Recruitment are a specialist driving agency and due to our insurance restrictions, we can only place workers into driving jobs who are over the age of 21. Therefore there are occupational age restrictions which we must adhere to for our core business.
However when placing workers into warehouse or drivers mates jobs due to the physical nature of the work we only consider workers who are aged 17 or above.
Therefore our “Young Person Policy” statement is as below:
CCH Recruitment understand that, when supply “Young Workers” it must be under the following criteria:
• Working under a contract of employment (not a worker contract), or as a self-employed person, or otherwise than for reward (i.e. as unpaid volunteer, or in an office holder position (e.g. as a company director);
• For at least 20 hours per week, (not including time when they are participating in actual guided learning);
• Under a contract or arrangement which is or is expected to be, of at least 8 weeks’ duration.
When we supply/introduce 17-year-olds into work, we check beforehand to see whether they are currently engaged in some form of education/training.
If we do supply a young person into work, we always comply with the following limitations:
• A maximum 40 hour working weeks
• At least 12 hours of uninterrupted rest within any 24-hour period in which they work;
• A rest break of at least 30 minutes if a shift will last longer than 4 and a half hours;
• At least 48 hours of rest each week – uninterrupted.
CCH Recruitment respects different cultures and values but does not compromise on the basic requirements regarding our Child Labour Policy.
CCH Recruitment Child Labour Policy has been established in order to make CCH Recruitment position clear to all parties. Our staff are all fully training on our policy and this policy is clearing displayed within our place of work. The requirements in this code of conduct are mandatory to all our staff.
1. General Principle
CCH Recruitment does not accept child labour. We only engage with workers who are aged 17 and above.
2. Implementation
All actions to avoid child labour shall be implemented by taking the child’s best interests into account. CCH Recruitment requires that all employees recognise the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, and that they ensure CCH comply with all relevant national and international laws, regulations and provisions applicable in the country of production.
Employees of CCH Recruitment are obliged to take the appropriate measures to ensure that no child labour occurs within our supply chain.
If child labour is found in any part of our supply chain, CCH Recruitment will implement a corrective action plan. If corrective action is not implemented within the agreed time-frame, or if repeated violations occur, CCH Recruitment will discipline our staff accordingly and/or terminate all business with the supplier concerned. The corrective action plan shall take the child’s best interests into consideration, i.e. family and social situation and level of education. Care shall be taken not merely to move child labour from one supplier’s workplace to another, but to enable more viable and sustainable alternatives for the child’s development.
The supplier shall effectively communicate to all its sub-contractors, as well as to its own co-workers, the content of the CCH Recruitment Child Labour Policy, and ensure that all measures required are implemented accordingly.
3. Young Workers
CCH Recruitment supports the legal employment of young workers.
We understand that young workers of legal working age have, until the age of 18, the right to be protected from any type of employment or work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to jeopardise their health, safety or morals.
4. Labour force register
CCH Recruitment shall maintain documentation for every worker verifying the worker’s date of birth.
5. Monitoring
We will monitor the date of birth of all our workers to ensure we do not engage with any workers under the age of 18
6 Remediation
If child labour is found in the supply chains of CCH Recruitment, it will seek to work in partnership with an appropriately qualified organisation to develop a responsible solution that is in the best long-term interests of the children. CCH Recruitment will agree to a corrective action plan, which may comprise the following actions:
• Collate a list of all potential child labourers and young workers
• Seek advice and help from a recognised organisation that deals with child labour or the welfare of children
• Explain the legal requirements and restrictions on working ages to the children and assure them that, if they wish, they will be employed when they reach working age
• Ensure that the child worker has adequate accommodation and living conditions.
• Document all actions
• Develop processes to prevent recurrence
Do not:
o Expel any of the suspected or confirmed child labourers and/or young workers
o Threaten the children or their families or hamper the progress of investigation and remediation
o Conceal or falsify any documentation
Such actions will be considered by CCH Recruitment as evidence of a breach of this Child Labour Policy.